Homeowners may use the Clubhouse for private parties and events such as showers, receptions, bar mitzvahs, christening and birthday parties in adherence to the following guidelines:
The homeowner will make a request at least two weeks in advance of the event. The request must be made to the managing agent. (Listed below) All parties and events must end by 11 PM.
The fee for rentals is $25. The fee and a deposit of $100 must be made with each request. The maximum amount of people is 50. These amounts should be in the form of two separate checks made out to Cypress Island HOA. The fee is retained by the Association. Chairs and tables are available if needed. If used, they must be replaced after the event. The Clubhouse will be inspected after each rental and if it is found to be clean, tables & chairs put up and keys return the next business day after the event, then the $100 deposit will be returned. If any damage is found, it is not cleaned, tables & chairs not put up and keys not returned the deposit will be forfeited. The homeowner is financially responsible for any damage to the clubhouse or its furnishings, even in excess of the $100 deposit.
Each household is limited to reserving the Clubhouse four times per year, at the times when a fee is required, except for extenuating circumstances. The Clubhouse cannot be rented for an all day and evening event.
Signs may be posted on the inside of the doors stating “Private Party” but the restroom area must remain open for residents to use.
The Pool, Tennis Court, and Golf Course cannot be reserved by any person or group unless approved by the activity committee. These facilities are not included in any part of the rental agreement. If it is discovered that these facilities were used by the party members that rented the clubhouse, a $100 fine will be charged. Children and adults may play on the grass just outside the clubhouse, but may not play on the greens or tees of the golf course.
Management Agent-Blue Atlantic-5129 Oleander Dr. Ste. 101-Wilmington- NC- 28403 910-392-3130